This succulent and buttery washed-rind cheese has aromas of peat, roasted beef and onions – a strong and complex front for the subtle milky, herbal, ripe-peach flavors within. Willoughby has a thin, tender, rosy-orange rind, which adds earthy dimension to the texture and flavors of the gooey interior.
Willoughby’s small format is ideal for quickly rotating through your kitchen. The pudding-like texture may become softer with age, but should remain sliceable for portioning until 9 weeks after its production date.
Pair with Juicy rose, funky saison beer or raw floral honey.
Willoughby is an original creation of Marisa Mauro’s Ploughgate Creamery, a Cellars collaborator that ceased production of the cheese after a creamery fire in 2010. With Marisa’s blessing Jasper Hill resurrected this pudgy little washed-rind and have continued to develop the recipe.